Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hydro-logic Stealth RO 100

Hydro-logic Stealth RO 100

Shock Sale Hydro-logic Stealth RO 100 very cheapYou looking to find the "Hydro-logic Stealth RO 100" Good news! You can purchase Hydro-logic Stealth RO 100 with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Hydro-logic Stealth RO 100 On Sale

Price: $166.51    Updated Price for Hydro-logic Stealth RO 100 now
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Product Description

Every grower should test or at least find out what the quality is of their source water the water that is being used to water their garden, before any nutrients or enhancers have been added. Water quality is vital to the success of your garden. A simple TDS test on your water will tell you what your starting PPM is, however, it does not tell you what that PPM consists of. If youre using municipal/city water, then you know that it contains fluoride and chloramines that are used to sterilize the water and help build strong teeth. But, did you know that these elements are also toxic to plants? Chlorine will volatilize out of standing water in 12 hours, however, chloramines will not, even if the water is boiled Chloramines are toxic to fish, water and soil micro-biology and plants. If you are adding micro-organisms Subculture, Piranha, Tarantula, compost teas, etc. into your garden and arent eliminating the chlorine and chloramines, you are wasting your money Foul tap water will destroy and inhibit many of these beneficial organisms. To effectively remove chloramines and other contaminants, water needs to be passed through a Reverse Osmosis RO System. Besides fluoride and chloramines, many other impurities and toxins can be found in drinking water, such as: sodium, iron oxide, pesticides, industrial wastes/pollutants, etc. If you would like to know what you and your plants are drinking, look up your city water quality at this site - Additional resources: Why Do I Need a Reverse Osmosis System What Kind of Water Filter Do I Need? Once a grower has used and seen the benefit of RO water, they never go back to tap water. RO systems provide growers with pure, toxin-free water. The starting ppm for RO systems is also very low which allows the grower to supply his plants with the nutrients that they require, thus ensuring healthier, faster growing plants that can potentially yield more.

Hydro-logic Stealth RO 100 Review

Only down side is to be totally safe you need an active carbon filter to remove chlorinines, Package states out of the box it will only "reduce chlorimines" and once installed with one tds goes back up. I run a small boy unit infront of with prefilter to not clog RO membrane so fast, and carbon, than this unit and take 1200 ppm tds to zero.

Warning as with all RO units you'll waste alot of water. You'll think you have it hooked up backwards becouse the good water output trickles so slow you can fill a cup faster by spitting while the waste water side runs like a regular 1/4" ice maker line at full pressure. You'll have to have a resevoir and flot valve.
Don't think this is any diffrent than any other RO system out there though.

For the monney theres no better system than this and a small boy combined with it.
If your municiplaity dosen't use chlorimines you can skip the small boy.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Hydro-logic Stealth RO 100" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Hydro-logic Stealth RO 100 ...

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