SideKIC Kitchen Immersion Circulator
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Product Feature
- Accurate temperature management to 0.5 degrees
- Easy to use control system and bright display
- Works in Fahrenheit or Celcius
- Works with bowls or pots you already have
- Cook in up to 10 quarts of water
- Note: you will need a vacuum-sealing system (not included)
Product Description
The SideKIC is the easiest way to get started with sous vide cooking at home! It's an immersion circulator - it keeps water at an exact temperature, and uses a pump to flow water around food you're cooking. The SideKIC works with bowls or pots you already have, so it's compact and easy to store.
SideKIC Kitchen Immersion Circulator Review
This is a brand-new device (at the time of this writing) just released by ICA Kitchen: this is a review of the first version of the product. (Update March 2, 2012: I've added a few notes on the latest revision of the device to the end of this review).
The SideKIC has a very simple user interface: just a single clickable wheel and a color display screen. It is designed to hang on the edge of a stockpot or other cooking vessel: the depth of the pump outlet is not adjustable, and is quite shallow compared to other immersion circulators on the market. If you've been eyeing the SousVide Supreme Sous Vide Water Oven or perhaps even the PolyScience Standard Immersion Circulator, 120 VAC and intend to use the product at home, the SideKIC is a serious contender at a fraction of the cost.
To test the SideKIC I hung it over the edge of a 6-quart stockpot and added five liters of water at 18.3 C. I set the temperature to 50�C and turned it loose: it took 27 minutes to come to temperature. It overshot by 0.7 C before decaying back down to the set temp. According to my Thermapen, however, when the reading on the device was 50.0 C, the actual temperature of the water was 50.4�C. It held that temperature within 0.2�C while it was running, however, in an uninsulated stainless steel vessel sitting on a countertop (basically a worst-case scenario). It think the device is probably useful for most high-precision cooking provided that you check the temperature with a more accurate thermometer and compensate accordingly before adding your food. I also recommend starting with pre-heated water to minimize startup time.
The device itself it basically silent: the hum of the pump is very quiet, and is mostly covered up by the actual splashing of the circulated water. It does not appear to have a buzzer of any kind--it does not make a noise to indicate that the set temp has been reached, or that the countdown timer has finished, so I am assuming this means it does not have the means of doing so.
Physically the device requires that your water level run relatively close to the top edge of your cooking vessel, and there is not a great deal of margin to accommodate level changes when adding food. The best way to deal with this is to use a relatively wide, shallow cooking vessel, rather than a deep, narrow vessel, to minimize the water level change when adding the food (of course, then you will definitely want a lid of some kind to minimize evaporation). The pump is strong enough that in my standard stockpot the water is pretty close to the rim when it's running: I'd prefer a little more margin.
The countdown timer has a minimum five-minute granularity when being set: the minimum time you can set it for is five minutes and a maximum of 59 hours and 45 minutes. When the countdown timer reaches its conclusion the timer flashes on the screen for five seconds, and then begins counting up to tell you how far over you have gone (the pump does not stop running). It appears that it will only count up to the initial value of the timer: when I tested it I set it for five minutes, and when it had gone over time for five minutes, it reset to zero and started counting up again. I'd guess this is a software bug that has to do with how the device is checking for the timer completion, and is obviously very minor. However, in my opinion, without an audible beeper the timer is basically useless. In addition, it lacks sufficient granularity for cooks that last under 30 minutes (when a one-minute granularity is necessary, IMO), and cannot be set for longer than 59:45 so you can't do a 72 hour cook based on the built-in timer.
Finally, I killed the power externally to simulate a power failure: the device turned back on and remembered the set temperature, but not the cooking time or countdown timer. It did not turn the heater or pump back on when power was restored. If power failure is a concern you will want to take additional measures to deal with it.
My initial impression of the device is that even as it stands right now the SideKIC is well worth the amount it costs, when compared to the alternatives: it has some flaws, but if you have a decent thermometer and your own cooking timer most of them can be easily mitigated. I also think that with some very minor changes (some just software) it could be made an even better value. Obviously this is not a final verdict, since how well it holds up over time will clearly be important.
* By far the lowest-priced immersion circulator on the market
* 300 watt heating element is adequate for most home sous vide uses
* Temperature accuracy and range is enough for most sous vide cooking
* Build quality is good (home-appliance level)
* Built-in timer is useless
* Maximum set temperature is 185�F/85 C, precludes some vegetable preparations
* No power-failure detection or recovery
* Temperature accuracy is questionable for very delicate items
UPDATE March 2, 2012. The ICA Kitchen team has addressed several of my concerns in the latest version of the device. The built-in timer now includes a beeper and allows you to set it in finer-grained steps, completely eliminating that concern. The maximum temperature was raised to 95�C, making the device suitable for nearly all high-temperature vegetable sous vide tasks. Also, I've used the device a few dozen times now and not had any issues with the temperature accuracy for delicate items (eggs, in particular). For me the only major remaining con, and the item preventing me from giving this item five stars, is the 300W heating element. There are workarounds (use a well-insulated cooler with a lid, add a supplementary non-controlled heater, etc.), but 300W by itself is a stretch at higher temperatures.
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