iRobot Scooba 230 Floor Scrubbing Robot
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Price: $279.99 $199.99 ![Updated Price for iRobot Scooba 230 Floor Scrubbing Robot now](//
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Product Feature
- Innovative 3 stage cleaning system; scooba lays down fresh cleaning solution, it lightly scrubs the floor
- Active reservoir water management system; using only clean water to scrub the floor while maintaining the robot's compact form factor
- Iadapt responsive cleaning technology, covers every section of your floor multiple times
- Compact size, at only 6-Inch wide and 3.5-Inch tall scooba 230 cleans next to toilets, under cabinets and other hard to reach places
- Safe to use on tile, linoleum and sealed hardwood floors and cleans with scooba hard floor cleaner, natural enzyme formula, water and vinegar mixture
Product Description
iRobot Scooba 230
iRobot Scooba 230 Floor Washing Robot cleans on its own so you don �t have to.
iRobot� s newest and most compact floor washing robot brings high-performance scrubbing to tight, hard-to-reach spaces in bathrooms and kitchens, including around toilets and under cabinets. Scooba 230 cleans tile, linoleum and sealed hardwood floors using a three-stage cleaning process that neutralizes up to 97% of common household bacteria*. The included Virtual Wall keeps Scooba out of off-limits areas. All you have to do is sweep!
This model includes a 12 month limited warranty for the robot and a 6 month limited warranty for the included battery.
3-Stage Cleaning (1) Applies cleaning solution, (2) Scrubs, (3) Vacuums dirty water
![]( Cliff detecting technology prevents Scooba from falling down stairs or drop-offs | ![]( Scooba’s 3-Stage Cleaning Process uses only clean water to scrub floors |
![]( Scooba� �s low profile design easily cleans under furniture and hard to reach areas | ![]( Virtual Walls use an infrared beam to block Scooba from entering off-limit areas |
![]( Easy to use, just fill in the sink and press the clean button | ![]( Compact size fits under cabinets, next to toilets, and into other hard to reach areas |
Product Features Innovative 3-Stage Cleaning System - First, Scooba lays down fresh cleaning solution. Then, it lightly scrubs the floor. Finally, the robot squeegees up the dirty water and germs.
Active-Reservoir Water Management System � This innovative system uses a partitioned bladder to keep cleaning solution separate from dirty water. This enables using only clean water to scrub the floor while maintaining the robot� s compact form factor.
iAdapt Responsive Cleaning Technology ��iRobot �s advanced system of software and sensors that allows Scooba to clean more of your room, more thoroughly. Scooba covers every section of your floor multiple times, cleaning areas you can’t easily reach including under furniture, around everyday obstacles, along walls and under cabinets. It even avoids rugs, stairs and drop-offs.
Scooba Virtual Wall -Included Virtual Wall keeps Scooba cleaning where you need it and blocks off-limit areas.
Easy & Flexible � Let the robot do the work for you, Scooba cleans floors at the touch of a button. It is safe to use on tile, linoleum and sealed hardwood floors and cleans with Scooba Hard Floor Cleaner, Natural Enzyme Formula, water and vinegar mixture, or clean tap water.
Compact Size � At only 6 � wide and 3.5� tall Scooba 230 cleans next to toilets, under cabinets and other hard to reach places. It is ideal for bathrooms, entryways and other high traffic areas up to 150 square ft. that need frequent care. |
What� s In The Box? - 1 iRobot Scooba 230 (with 1 Robot battery, 1 Removable Bottom Plate)
- 2 Scooba Virtual Walls
- 3 Extra Bottom Plates
- 1 Compact Wall Charger
- 1 Storage Mat
- 4 Packets Scooba Hard Floor Cleaner, Natural Enzyme Formula
- Owner’s Guide & Documentation
*Requires 2 'D' batteries (not included) | |
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| Braava 320 | Braava 380t | Scooba 230 | Scooba 390 |
� � Features | | | | |
Robot Type | Floor Mopping | Floor Mopping | Floor Scrubbing | Floor Scrubbing |
Cleaning Style | Braava uses disposable or microfiber cleaning cloths to pick up dirt, hair and dust from all your hard-surface floors including tile, vinyl, hardwood and laminate. Braava systematically covers your entire floor in a single pass. | Braava uses disposable or microfiber cleaning cloths to pick up dirt, hair and dust from all your hard-surface floors including tile, vinyl, hardwood and laminate. Braava systematically covers your entire floor in a single pass. | 3-Stage Cleaning System First, Scooba lays down fresh cleaning solution. Then, it lightly scrubs the floor. Finally, the robot� s vacuum squeegees up the dirty water and germs. | 4-stage Cleaning Process Scooba preps, washes, scrubs and squeegeesyour floors, removing up to 98% of common household bacteria. And it never reuses dirty water. |
Navigation | NorthStar Navigation System NorthStar projects a signal to map its route for efficient cleaning | NorthStar Navigation System 2 Place additional Cubes in other areas and as Braava finishes cleaning one room it will travel from channel to channel thoroughly cleaning floors | iAdapt Responsive Navigation Technology An advanced system of software and sensors covers every section of your floor multiple times, cleaning areas you can't reach and avoiding drop-offs | iAdapt Responsive Navigation Technology An advanced system of software and sensors covers every section of your floor multiple times, cleaning areas you can't reach and avoiding drop-offs |
Coverage | Dry Mopping Coverage 800 sq. ft. Damp Mopping Coverage 250 sq. ft. | Dry Mopping Coverage 1000 sq. ft. Damp Mopping Coverage 350 sq. ft. | 150 sq. ft. | 450 sq. ft. |
Added Features | | Pro-Clean System Reservoir cleaning pad dispenses cleaning solution to refresh Pro-Clean microfiber cloth | | Virtual Wall Technology Our room confinement system allows Scooba to stay in the rooms you want to clean and out of the ones you don’t. |
Run Time | Dry mopping 3 hours Damp Mopping 2 hours | Dry mopping 4 hours Damp Mopping 2.5 hours | Short cycle 20 mn Long cycle 45 mn | ~ 60 min |
In The Box | Braava 320 Floor Mopping Robot Wall Charger NiMH Battery (1500 mAh) NorthStar Navigation Cube 1 Multi-Purpose Cleaning Pad 2 � C” Batteries Cloths: 2 Microfiber Sweeping Cloths, 1 Microfiber Mopping Cloth | Braava 380t Floor Mopping Robot Turbo Charging Cradle Wall Charger NiMH Battery (2000 mAh) NorthStar2 Navigation Cube 1 Multi-Purpose Cleaning Pad ProClean Reservoir Pad 2 ��C” Batteries Cloths: 2 Microfiber Sweeping Cloths, 2 Microfiber Mopping Cloths | Scooba 230 Floor Scrubbing Robot (with 1 Robot battery, 1 Removable Botttom Plate) 1 Compact Wall Charger 1 Storage Mat 4 Packets Scooba Hard Floor Cleaner, Natural Enzyme Formula Owner's Guide & Documentation
*Requires 2 'D' batteries each (not included) | Scooba 390 Floor Scrubbing Robot (with 1 Robot battery, 1 Filter, 1 Cleaning Brush, 1 Prep Squeegee) 1 Battery Charger 1 Virtual Wall 1 Suction Bulb 4 Packets Scooba Hard Floor Cleaner, Natural Enzyme Formula Owner's Guide & Documentation
*Requires 2 'D' batteries each (not included) |
Warranty | 1 year warranty for robot and battery | 1 year warranty for robot and battery | 6 Month Limited Warranty (Battery) 12 Month Limited Warranty (Robot) | 6 Month Limited Warranty (Battery) 12 Month Limited Warranty (Robot) |
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Discover iRobot iRobot designs and builds robots that make a difference. iRobot in the Robot Industry Founded in 1990 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology roboticists, iRobot designs and builds some of the world � s most important robots. As an industry pioneer, iRobot �s goal is to drive innovation, serve as an industry catalyst and change the world by fueling the era of robots.
iRobot Home Robots: The smarter way to get it done iRobot � s home robots are revolutionizing the way people clean �� inside and out. More than 9 million home robots have been sold worldwide. The award-winning iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaning robot is leading the charge. Roomba made practical robots a reality for the first time and showed the world that robots are here to stay. iRobot � s acclaimed line of home robots also includes the iRobot Scooba floor washing robot, the iRobot Mirra pool cleaning robot and the iRobot Looj gutter cleaning robot.
iRobot Defense and Security: Protecting those in harm � s way iRobot ��s combat-proven defense and security robots perform multiple missions for troops and public safety professionals. More than 5,000 have been delivered to military and civil defense forces worldwide. Developed for the U.S. Army� �s modernization program, Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle (SUGV) is the robot for dismounted mobile operations and infantry missions. SUGV� �s predecessor, the iRobot PackBot, is one of the most successful battle-tested robots in the world, performing thousands of dangerous search, reconnaissance and bomb-disposal missions. iRobot� s line of military robots also includes the iRobot FirstLook, a small, light, throwable robot for special operations, and the iRobot Warrior, a large robot that carries heavy payloads.
iRobot Scooba 230 Floor Scrubbing Robot Review
I actually like it better than my bigger (older) Scooba. It's easier to fill and drain. With 5 dogs in our home, I'm always cleaning floors!
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "iRobot Scooba 230 Floor Scrubbing Robot" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from
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