GelPro Basketweave Comfort Floor Mat, 20-Inch by 72-Inch, Chestnut
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Product Feature
- Gel mat helps relieve pain in feet, legs and lower back and provides an anti fatigue standing solution
- Top fabric of our anti fatigue mat is imported from Europe and gives our gel mat an elegant finish
- Unlike area rugs and kitchen mat the Gel Pro mat wipes clean with mild soap and water
- Bottom material of our anti fatigue mat is made with enhanced traction.
- Our anti fatigue mat or kitchen mat is designed and assembled with pride in the USA
Product Description
The Original Gel-Filled Anti-Fatigue Floor Mat
GelPro Mats cushion the shock from walking or standing on hard flooring.
Helps reduce foot and back pain.
Everyone can benefit from the comfort provided by a GelPro mat. There are, however, millions of individuals that are especially susceptible to hard flooring. Chief among them--young and old alike--are those with painful arthritis, lower back pain, foot pain, and plantar fasciitis. These conditions are all exacerbated by standing on hard flooring. GelPro mats have unique and unsurpassed properties that help reduce discomfort caused by standing on all types of hard flooring. You will enjoy time spent in your kitchen once again--or on hard flooring surfaces anywhere in your home--without constant foot pain and back pain.
Revolutionary gel care helps ease discomfort caused from standing on hard flooring.
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An Anti-Fatigue Mat that Looks as Good as It Feels
Millions of people who love to cook experience pain in their feet and back from standing on hard, unforgiving kitchen flooring for extended periods of time. GelPro has solved this ergonomic problem with a line of stylish anti-fatigue floor mats manufactured with a soft, shock-absorbing gel core. The unique properties of the GelPro gel enable GelPro mats to provide the most comfortable surface to stand on, regardless of the type of hard flooring you have in your home.
Whether you use it as a kitchen floor mat, a laundry room mat, a bathroom mat, or even as a utility mat in your garage, you'll find this to be an exceptionally comfortable and attractive anti-fatigue floor mat.
Durable, Comfortable and Elegant
GelPro Mats are available in nine styles and a rich, inspired palette of designer colors that reflect today's most current decorating trends. No matter if your tastes are traditional, ultra-modern, or something in between, there is something for every mood and every style of decor.
Choose from 9 styles, 12 sizes, 50 designer colors, and 200+ combinations. View larger.
Familiar and clean in design, each GelPro Mat is made from a three-dimensional texture that feels wonderful under foot, conveying a relaxed comfort sure to be appreciated by all. In addition, the unique GelPro palette of styles and colors evoke a sense of freshness and renewal that complements the interior gel core to perfection, making the GelPro mat at home in any environment.
Whether you are at home in a So-Ho studio, a sprawling gourmet kitchen, or a country retreat, GelPro has the perfect mat for you. Choose from a combination of more than 200 colors, styles and sizes and Stand In Comfort.
At Home in Any Space
Finally, you can spend time preparing meals in the kitchen, starting the day at the bathroom mirror, or even ironing clothes, all in complete comfort. Any room in your home where you stand on hard flooring for an extended period of time can cause fatigue and discomfort in the feet, legs and lower back. GelPro Mats are here to change all that.
With their durable top fabric, shock-absorbing gel core, non-slip bottom, GelPro Mats are an appropriate accessory for every room in your home where you have hard flooring. GelPro Mats are a perfect fit for your kitchen, bathroom, laundry room/utility room, garage, game room, and/or wine room/cellar.
The foundation upon which GelPro Mats are built is a proprietary shock-absorbing gel core that is the result of countless hours of development and hundreds of prototypes. The soft gel is engineered to distribute your weight evenly, providing a more intimate support platform and maximum comfort.
A great fit for any room in the house.
GelPro Mats can be distinguished from traditional anti-fatigue mats in two distinct ways. The first is the unabashed attention paid to the quality of the top fabrics used on GelPro Mats. The second distinguishing characteristic is the material used as the support mechanism at the center of GelPro Mats. GelPro uses gel, while other mats use foam.
When you step on a foam mat, your weight typically stays in one spot as the foam compresses making the mat harder at the point of contact. A GelPro Mat, by contrast, contours to your feet as weight is applied and pushes evenly the entire time you are on the mat. This contouring characteristic takes place instantaneously each time you step on your GelPro Mat and continues throughout the duration of your time on the mat.
GelPro's unique gel core design has redefined the floor mat category and has earned accolades from industry experts and consumers alike.
Versatile, durable, and easy to clean.
Careful consideration has gone into every component of GelPro Mats with the goal of providing maximum comfort at the forefront. From the soft, luxurious top fabrics, to the ergonomically engineered gel core, each component of the GelPro Mat was selected, in part, for its cushioning effect. Even the non-slip fabric on the bottom of each mat is soft and supple offering a comforting element.
GelPro's non-slip bottom is made from a durable polyester knit base fabric that is non-irritating. It also contains an anti-static compatibility ingredient that limits the mats movement on most hard flooring surfaces.
Simply put, the top fabric on GelPro Mats is without peer. From the expert craftsmanship, to the intricate patterns, to the vibrant colors, no other floor mat on the market combines comfort, style and durability the way GelPro Mats do. Each fabric must pass a rigorous testing process and rise to the GelPro standards for sustainability in climate, strength and longevity before it is considered for inclusion on GelPro Mats. Only the highest quality fabrics pass the GelPro testing process.
GelPro Mats are made from the world's finest composite fabrics resulting in mats that are more versatile, more durable and easier to clean.
Basketweave has the appearance of interwoven leather strips, but is actually a one-piece high performance coated textile. No matter if your tastes are traditional, ultra-modern or something in between, Basketweave has universal appeal.
GelPro Basketweave Comfort Floor Mat, 20-Inch by 72-Inch, Chestnut Review
UPDATE TO THIS REVIEW: I sent pictures and an explanation of my concerns (described below) to Gel Pro. They responded promptly and replaced the mat free of any charges. I am *very* pleased with their response! I changed my one-star rating to three-stars for this reason. (February 2012)
ORIGINAL REVIEW: I purchased the large mat several years ago (3-4?) in the standard basket weave. Very pleased at first. It lay flat, was substantially heavy, didn't shift on my tile kitchen floor (may be a function of placement, keep reading), provided comfort, looked good. Some months in, the long edge began curling up and over time has become a *significant tripping hazard.* I have it pushed up next to the kitchen island, between the island & sink, so I just rotated it bec the other long edge was still flat. I continued to rotate it periodically as needed so the still-flat edge was where I contacted it with my feet and the curled-up edge was against the island. However, at this point both short ends have begun curling up in addition to one or the other long edge and it is now a distinct tripping hazard, with potentially very serious consequences for anyone of any age. I cannot figure out anything I can do to address the curling. Also, like another writer, I have had several small cut marks appear in the surface of the mat. I assumed I, or my husband, must have dropped something but now I'm unsure based on the other writer's comments. I also agree that its pricey (though Bed, Bath & Beyond's frequent 20%-off coupons help, tho they carry only one model). But the biggest issue by far is the tripping hazard after only a few years of ownership in a 2-person household with fairly light use. For those who place it with all sides exposed, the problem may become significant much, much sooner. This is much too expensive a product to have such a significant & potentially dangerous flaw. It's a real legal liability the company needs to know about. I will contact the manufacturer and express my concerns; based on comments here I am not hopeful re customer satisfaction but will give them a chance & let you know.
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